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Webvõrk — Look at the CPA in a new way
? We’re giving out CASH!

Well, dear partners, Webvork is never done giving out presents! We’re starting a promotion where you can get up to 170,000 rub added to your payout GUARANTEED??

? Drive traffic to Webvork offers from January 17th to March 17th: 

? Get 1500 approvals and take your 170,000 rub guaranteed!

? Get 1000 approvals and take your 130,000 rub guaranteed!

? Get 700 approvals and take your 85,000 rub guaranteed!

? You can bring more than 1500 approvals? Then do it and get a special prize from Webvork! 

Here are the offers engaged in this promotion:

✨ Prostatricum
✨ Keton Aktiv
✨ Cardiobalance
✨ Cistynorm
✨ Parazax
✨ Onixan
✨ Idealis
✨ Artrolux + (capsules and cream)

And, almost all GEOs are running as well!
Contact your personal managers to find out more information about offers, GEOs, and prizes.

You have 2 whole months to increase your income and get extra cash! Countdown stars now! ?
[Image: IMG_3024.PNG]

Messages dans ce sujet
RE: Webvõrk — Look at the CPA in a new way - par Webvork - 17-01-2022, 14:56

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