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Webvõrk — Look at the CPA in a new way
? WEBVORK makes your dreams come true!

There are two months left till the end of the “Window to Europe” contest! Two months to earn your guaranteed presents and get to the top 30 publishers that will have the opportunity to win the main prize — an apartment in Europe! ?

? And, a couple of awesome bonuses are also going to be given away among the contest participants at the final party in March, 2022:

• Stocks of shares of global IT companies in the value of 1 million rub. 
• Generous travel gift certificates.
• An actual case with 500,000 rub in cash.

❗️Any participant can become a winner, all they need to do is drive traffic with Webvork offers under CPA or CPL and earn bonus points!

✨ All points can be swapped for prizes from WebvorkShop, where you can find over 400 different goods for you and your close ones, from electric toothbrushes to motorcycles! 

“Window to Europe” is a contest where everyone will get their presents! 

➡️ Find out more about the contest on the website:
[Image: IMG_3381.PNG]

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RE: Webvõrk — Look at the CPA in a new way - par Webvork - 25-01-2022, 15:35

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