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Webvõrk — Look at the CPA in a new way

We’ve got a really awesome, interesting, and big interview for you today. The guest of the article is Andrey Teftelka, an affiliate and the owner of the CPA Lenta media. 

Andrey has told us everything about doorway pages, in the past and nowadays, in 2022. We’ve also talked about his unique story about how he got into affiliate marketing, about SEO traffic conversions, payout rates, and other fun things. So get comfy, we’re about to meet Andry and his knowledge of doorway intricacies.

?? Enjoy:
[Image: IMG_5501.PNG]

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RE: Webvõrk — Look at the CPA in a new way - par Webvork - 16-03-2022, 12:22

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