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Webvõrk — Look at the CPA in a new way

Guys, we are, once again, ready to make your days with new promotions that will fill your wallets with gold!

This time, we decided to boost rates on our super popular and in-demand offer for joints Artrolux +

Now, every publisher has the opportunity to drive traffic at the following rates:

• Switzerland — €40
• Italy — €40
• Germany — €40

The Joints niche is considered to be year-round, but in the off-season its popularity especially increases, since everyone at least once in their life has experienced problems with unstable weather, rainy periods, and temperature changes. That is why we recommend you drive traffic to joint offers this spring!

Connect the offer right away:
[Image: IMG_5544.PNG]

Messages dans ce sujet
RE: Webvõrk — Look at the CPA in a new way - par Webvork - 18-03-2022, 16:39

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