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Webvõrk — Look at the CPA in a new way

Based on the results of the last week, Italian supremacy has been completed with the presence of Austria. The Varilux Premium offer has taken the 3rd place with a 45% approval rate.

The first and second places still belong to Italy.
CANNABISVITAL Oil has earned a 51% approval rate, taking the golden medal. And, Artrolux + has won the silver medal with a 47% approval rate.

By the way, right now, Webvork is holding a promotion for Artrolux + with payout rates starting from €40 per lead! Contact your personal manager to find out the details.

Follow our top offers and earn that coin!
[Image: IMG_5691.PNG]

Messages dans ce sujet
RE: Webvõrk — Look at the CPA in a new way - par Webvork - 21-03-2022, 20:38

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